Top 5 Gamechanging Entrepreneur Aha! Moments

Back in October 17th thru October 19th, 2019, I experienced a life-changing mindset shift at Amy Porterfield’s The Entrepreneur Experience in sunny San Diego, CA.

It wasn’t just a business conference that taught us email marketing and Instagram strategies, or how to launch a money-making digital course. That was all there of course and shared in no-fluff step-by-step detail (Amy is a wonderful teacher in that way).

But what The Entrepreneur Experience really did was get me to believe in myself and the possibility of what I could accomplish in a way I hadn’t fully embraced before.

And it’s not like I hadn’t watched videos or listened to podcasts from motivational speakers and successful CEOs. But there was something special about being in a room surrounded by 800 like-minded entrepreneurs - all who want to kick-ass in their business but are struggling with the challenges that come with it. It’s a strange comfort knowing I wasn’t the only one feeling I was in Square 1 while everyone else seemed to be at the top of the pyramid.

So for those who need a mindset momentum boost, here’s a quick series about my Top 5 Gamechanging Entrepreneur Aha! Moments that completely flipped how I approach my business.

Aha Moment #1: Realize that you are a BIG. FRICKIN. DEAL.

As a little kid, do you remember thinking you could do or be anything you wanted? Be a famous singer, a world-traveling photographer, or an inventor of a new ice cream flavor! Or all three?!

But as adults, we learn to be realistic, to set achievable, bite-sized goals. And that’s well and good, but at times it feels like we forget how to dream BIG. Like really, REALLY big.

One of the first exercises Amy had us do was write down a big goal we wanted to achieve. A few minutes into the exercise, she chimed in with:

That big goal you just wrote down? How can you make it even bigger? Imagine you had no limits in regards to time, money, or resources.
— Amy Porterfield

I looked down. I had written, “My goal is to have a 6-figure income selling digital courses and products to hundreds of creative entrepreneurs.” I crossed out “6-figure” and “hundreds” and changed it to “8-figure” and “hundreds of thousands.”

I realized I hesitated to write that in the beginning because that just seemed way too out of reach. How could little ol’ me achieve something so grand when I couldn’t even book all the clients I wanted now at the prices I really felt I was worth?

But then I mentally listed all the skills and experiences I’d gained over 10 years working in corporate and my own side hustle. I was surprised - and I felt really good. A small voice in my head whispered, “Why wouldn’t you be able to reach that goal? You have everything you need already.”

At the end of the exercise, Amy asked us to do one more thing:

Turn to the person next to you and tell them, “I’m a big deal!”
— Amy Porterfield

There was laughter at first... but then suddenly I heard a chorus of voices shouting “I’m a big deal!”

And it might sound cheesy to read that, but let me tell you, there was so much JOY in the air after everyone said it out loud. I remember me and my seatmate smiling uncontrollably as we said it to each other. And that positive energy filled me throughout all 3 days and even fills me now as I write this.

When was the last time you said and believed that you are a Big Deal?

If it’s been awhile, then I invite you to create a Big Deal List to remind yourself (and your audience!) why you are absolutely worth it.

Follow these 3 simple steps to finish the sentence I’m a Big Deal because…

  1. List all the skills you’ve learned from any job or experience you’ve ever had.

    • Ex: You’re not a teacher but you’ve had teaching experience working as a camp counselor or private tutor. You’re probably patient and a good communicator. 

  2. Look through testimonials/feedback/comments from people who worked with you. What positive things did they say about you and how did you make them feel? Add those to the list.

    • Ex: Are clients repeatedly gushing how detail-oriented you are? How much they trust you? How you helped them feel better about themselves?

  3. List any wins, big or small, that have helped progress your business forward from Day 1 to Present Day.

There’s a good chance your list is much longer than you expected. And that’s because it’s so much easier to focus on the things we don’t have right now than the things we’ve had within us all along.

Print your Big Deal List out and hang it somewhere you can easily see it.

So on the days when you feel you’re not good enough; the days when others question why you’re still pursuing the same path when it hasn’t worked out yet; and the days when you’re unsure about applying for The Next Big Thing...just look at this list and say loud and proud:

“I’m a BIG deal. And there’s nothing I can’t handle.” 

P.S. Don’t be afraid to remind others know why you’re a big deal too 😉

So tell me - what’s one reason why you're a Big Deal?


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