For those times you feel like you’re not enough

When was the last time you felt like you weren't enough? That you had a case of Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter syndrome is something we all face. It's the paralyzing doubt that rears its ugly head despite our prior experience and past successes.

It pops up whenever we try something new, when we don’t meet the goals we set, or in the wake of unexpected opportunities.

Our self-esteem whispers things like:

  • Who am I to be teaching this?

  • What will my peers think?

  • What if someone tries the thing I'm teaching and fails?

  • No way I'm good enough to charge that much!

  • I'm so behind compared to everyone else.

  • I just got started. I shouldn’t even apply to that opportunity.

Imposter Syndrome is often framed as something to overcome or "cure," like it’s a sickness.

But what if you accepted Imposter Syndrome as a necessary part of your journey into becoming the person you were meant to be?

The in-over-your-head feeling is actually a sign that you're brave enough to try something outside your comfort zone. Something that you know will take you to the next level.

If you never or rarely feel this way, maybe that’s a sign that you're not pushing yourself enough.

I feel Imposter Syndrome every time I even *think* about raising my prices. It took me a very, very long time before I was willing to charge anything in the 3-figure range. I would make excuses to justify my pricing:

  • My competitor is charging $$$ and has been in business longer than me. It makes sense to charge just a fraction of that.

  • I'm scared no one will hire me if I raise my prices. They'll probably go to Fiverr or Craiglist instead.

Back then, I was playing small and dreaming small.

And I could afford to do that when it was just a side-hustle.

But then I left my corporate job and my side-hustle became my CAREER. I had to dream bigger (and as a result, charge more) because there was no longer a safety net.

I learned how to value my time and expertise to not just survive but have enough to re-invest back into the business. And I’ve been able to consistently book 4-figure packages now - something I never would have predicted in those early stages as an entrepreneur.

Believe me, it’s still a work in progress.

Remember this:

1. You're not alone in feeling like you’re not enough. Maybe it feels that way because the people around you won’t admit it. So I’ll admit it =) If I can push past it, I 100% know you can, too.

2. You can’t un-see who you truly want to be. Feelings of doubt or insecurity are growing pains that prove that yes, you’re actually trying to grow instead of staying stagnant in one place. Not everyone is willing to try. But as long as you keep trying, you WILL succeed.

While Imposter Syndrome hits less frequently, it still does happen because I’m still pushing myself forward. I hope this helps keep you motivated and inspired as you move forward on your entrepreneurial journey!

And I’d love to know:

  • When was a time you felt like an imposter?

  • What was #1 the thing that helped you push through it?

Cheering for you always, Empire Builder!


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